Our good friend Brittany sent us this wonderful guide to understanding the relationship between your pet and the plants that grow around us. We love our pets! The family cat or dog is vital part of our family, and we do everything we can to help ensure that they have what they need. Pet owners need to be certain that they provide the correct food and preventative medical care. While pet safety needs to be a big concern around the house, one of the most common dangers for pets are with the plants and flowers that can be redily found in the home.
Most homes have various types of plants and flowers inside the home. These plants and flowers help brighten up a home and provide a decorative flourish. While the addition of plants and flowers in a home are helpful in making the house attractive, it can also be a danger to pets. Knowing which plants are non-toxic and which plants are toxic to your dog or cat is important for the continued good health of your pet.
There are a number of plants that are commonly found around the home that are toxic to animals. Some of the plants that should be kept away from the family pet include Lilies, Tulips and Azaleas. All of these plants could have an impact on the health of pets if ingested. Therefore, it is important that prevention of potential danger is very important.
If you have a home with pets, and you have flowers and plants, it is imperative to keep an eye out for the possibility of the animal being poisoned. Some of the symptoms that you should look out for include diarrhea, vomiting, weakness and not behaving as normal. If you suspect that your pet may have been accidentally poisoned, it is important to contact your vet as soon as possible. The early the treatment for the poison the better chance of getting them back to health.
To learn more about which plants and flowers are toxic and what to do in the event of a poisoning, please review the following information.
- POISONOUS PLANTS - Informative web page from Cornell University which provides information on which plants are poisonous to animals.
- ANIMAL TOXINS - Listing of items that are considered poisonous to all animals.
- PLANTS TOXIC TO ANIMALS - Helpful database of plants that are toxic to domesticated animals.
- TOXIC PLANTS FOR PETS - In this page you will learn about the plants that animals should avoid.
- LIST OF POISONOUS PLANTS - Useful article which contains a listing of plants that are toxic to cats and dogs.
- PET SAFE GARDENING - Information from the Animal Health Foundation which offers ideas on having a pet safe garden.
- PETS AND TOXIC PLANTS - This article from UC Davis discusses pets and plants that could be toxic to them.
- ASPCA INFORMATION - Information on plants and flowers that are toxic and non-toxic to pets.
- KEEPING PETS SAFE - Article from HGTV which offers ideas on how to keep pets safe from plants and flowers around the home.
- SAFE INDOOR HOUSE FLOWERS AND PLANTS - Helpful article from Better Homes and Gardens which provides information on plants and flowers that are safe for pets.
- SIGNS OF POISONING - Useful information on how to tell if your dog has been poisoned.
- TOP DOG POISONS - This article informs dog owners about the top potentially harmful items that are poisonous to dogs.
- ANTIFREEZE POISONING IN CATS - Article which provides general information on how to determine if you cat was poisoned.
- POISONED DOG - In this helpful article you will find information and steps to treat a poisoned dog.
- TREATING A POISONED CAT - Article which lists steps that can be taken to treat a cat suspected of being poisoned.
- POISON PREVENTION TIPS (PDF) - Publication which lists the top tips on how to keep your pet from being poisoned.
- PET POISON PREVENTION TIPS - Information for pet owners on ways to prevent pet poisoning from occurring.
- POISON PREVENTION TIPS FOR PETS - Informative information on how to avoid pets being poisoned around the home.
- POISON PREVENTION PUBLICATION (PDF) - Helpful brochure which provides pet owners with preventative measures to keep poisons away from pets.
- POISON CONTROL AND PREVENTION - Information on how to keep pets safe from potential poisons.
- PETS AND POISONS - In this article from the American Humane Association you will find information on pet poisoning.
- PET FIRST AID - Red Cross information and class material on learning the basics of pet first aid.
- BASIC PET FIRST AID - Useful information for pet owners which provides a basic understanding of first aid.
- PESTICIDE POISONING IN PETS - Article which offers information on what to do if your pet is poisoned by pesticides.
- POISON INFORMATION AND RESOURCES - Resourceful page with information about pet poisoning.
- PETS AND POISON - Web page which informs pet owners about the dangers around the home for pets.
- POISON SAFETY FOR PET OWNERS (PDF) - General information about poison safety from the University of Virginia.
- PREVENTING PET POISONING - Information about pet poisoning prevention with outdoor pesticides.
- PET POISONING INFORMATION - Helpful information about the basics of pet poisoning.
- PLANTS AND HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS - Informative fact sheets with information about normal plants and products around the house that can be poisonous to pets.