Worried Your Dog Is Fussy With Food? Here Are Some Solutions

Normally, we associate fussy eating with cats, so what happens when your pooch turns out to be a fussy one? Some dogs are born to be fussy eaters, which can be a lifelong struggle for their owners, while others might have a good reason to be fussy! Whichever category your dog falls into, give some of the following solutions a try to help your fussy furry friend.

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Check Their Overall Health

For some dogs, becoming picky with their food could be the sign of a health problem. If they’ve gone off their food suddenly, it’s worth consulting with your vet to see if there’s something underlying causing your dog’s lack of appetite.

Give some thought to the type of dog you have too. A SMALL SIBERIAN HUSKY will have a much smaller appetite than a large one, while particularly active dogs will have a much larger appetite. Consider some other factors that might be affecting your dog’s appetite. Hot weather or not getting enough exercise can decrease your dog’s appetite for food, making it seem like they’re being fussy when really, they’re just not hungry.

Try Changing Their Food

If the food you usually feed your dog is no longer cutting it, maybe it’s time to switch to something else. It’s important to know that switching your dog’s food isn’t as simple as putting something new on their plate, you need to TRANSITION YOUR DOG’S FOOD over time to prevent stomach upsets. A lot of owners choose raw food solutions for their dog, which can be more appetizing because of their fresher scent.

Your dog’s nutrition is important to KEEP THEM HEALTHY, so make sure you invest in quality dog food that gives them everything they need.

Show Some Tough Love

Sometimes your dog is just testing you, knowing you might give them something tasty like a treat instead. It might sound tough, but many owners have had success with the ‘15 minute’ method. With this, you set your dog’s bowl down for 15 minutes at their normal feeding time, taking it away if they don’t eat it. You can then try again at their next mealtime, repeating the same 15-minute rule. Your dog won’t want to go hungry for too long, and will soon learn to eat their food when it’s put down in front of them.

Make It Fun

Does your dog respond to games and activities? You could try making feeding time more fun. A slow feeder or special feeding toy can be great for getting your dog interested in their food, and can be a fantastic idea if they tend to bother you during your dinnertime too!

Food is important to your dog, so if they’re being fussy then you need to get to the bottom of it. It could be something simple like them not liking the flavor, or you could need some further investigation from your vet. Once you’ve discovered the reason, your pooch will be happily clearing their plate once again.

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